~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~

It is soon time for a long summer break, and for some of you maybe summer jobs are waiting. We managed to get an interview with Elin Backström, a member of the Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) of LUNA. Here follows a brief text about what they do and how they are working to improve the employability of science students.

“In the meetings of CRC, we discuss areas that influence the relations between students and working life, for example how natural scientists can be more visible and more attractive for employers and what opportunities there are for improvement. We highlight these areas by hosting events such as lectures and workshops. During the fall semester, we have also been planning for LUNAs own career fair ATLAS. I applied as a representative for the CRC since the working life is an extremely important area, in which there are plenty to work with. Being a member of the CRC is educative and I feel like I learn plenty of different things. It is also really fun!”

You can contact the Information Committee at info@luna.lu.se and the Head of Corporate Relations moreover the chairperson of the CRC at naringsliv@luna.lu.se. If you want to find out more about life as an active member of the union, you are always welcome to stop by the union office or simply browse our webpage. You can contact the union via this form (you can be anonymous) or by e-mail at luna@luna.lu.se.

~ Interview brought to you by the Information Committee ~