At Lunds naturvetarkår (LUNA), the Head of Corporate Relations and the Corporate Relations Committee are working to be the link between students and their future employers. The Faculty of Science has over 2000 students in all different scientific fields, and we are great for reaching the students of your choice, in the way you desire. Through us, you get easy access to network, inform and recruit competent students at the forefront of science. Company representatives often make a strong impression and increases the chances of students turning to you for information. Through a wide range of activities, we give you the opportunity to meet students according to your wishes.
We work to help you to improve your organization’s brand among science students at Lund University!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Head of Corporate Relations, Nora Häglund.

Our Students
The Faculty of Science offer education in a wide variety of scientific subjects. Science students have immense opportunity to tailor their education to fit their interests and your company profile. Below, you can read about some typical student experiences. However, these do not cover everything our students are capable of.
The students of the biology program are experts on the machinery of everything from a single cell to large ecosystems. With 12 different master programs, our biologists have a much more narrow focus point in their studies, giving the students the needed knowledge for these complex machineries. Biology students gain knowledge of the cell and other physiological processes, and how different species have evolved and how they behave and affect other species in our ecological systems. Biology students are also taught nature- and environmental protection for how environmental pollutants transport and degrade in nature, how climatic- and ecosystems are connected, and how to protect biodiversity. Depending on the specialization, our biologists are either experienced in the lab, or experienced in excursions and field work. Either way, all biologists are trained to collect, analyze and present and understand biological data through statistical methods.
- Aquatic Ecology
- Nature Conservation
- Conservation Biology
- Plant Biology
- Zoo Ecology
- Bioinformatics
- and more
Studies in Molecular Biology can be combined with Chemistry.
- Medical Biology
- Microbiology
- Molecular Genetics
- Biotechnology
- Bioinformatics
- and more
Physics is the most diverse subject area at the Faculty of Science. After completing a physics-related programme, the students end up with a wide range of skills demanded in today’s market, from big-data handling and programming to statistical analysis and problem-solving. Moreover, depending on the specialization, the students possess a thorough knowledge of their chosen field which could range from astronomy, particle physics or material science to quantum mechanichs. Because of physicists important skills and problem-solving abilities, they have an importance in many different areas such as medicine, electronics, communication technology, manufacturing and much more.
Studies in Physics can be combined with Chemistry.
- Biological Physics
- Computational Biology
- Meteorology
- Biogeophysics
- Photonics
- Material Science
- Nanoscience
- Synchrotron Radiation Based Science
- Particle Physics
- Theoretical Physics
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- and more
Praised by employers for their laboratory skills, the chemistry students at the science faculty spends time in the lab from the absolute start of their education. The students are therefore used to working with current lab methods including spectroscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis and much more. The bachelors programme provides broad knowledge in all chemistry fields, such as analytical-, organic-, inorganic-, physical- and bio-chemistry. This gives a deep understanding of the fundamental chemical interactions applied on the forefront of science, and therefore can chemistry students tackle many of the questions in research and industry. With four master’s programmes the students have specialized knowledge in, for example, protein chemistry, advanced organic synthesis, physical and theoretical chemistry and numeric simulations.
Studies in Chemistry can be combined with Molecular Biology and/or Physics.
- Protein Science
- Nanochemistry
- Organizing Molecular Matter
- and more
Our mathematicians are equipped with both soft and hard skills. They are able to wrap their heads around and understand complex and rather abstract ideas, which inspires the students to solve challenging problems in new and creative ways. This theoretical knowledge can be applied on a vast range of areas such as finance, logistics and data analysis. Aside from their excellent skills in logical thinking, our mathematicians are well-equipped in the more practical field which entails programmings, statistics and data science. After a master, in either mathematics or numeric analysis, the students can for example create and evolve complex algorithms, comprehend and work with all types of data as well as identify, analyse and solve problems.
- Numerical Analysis
- Statistics
- and more
With many different environmental issues standing before the world, our environmental scientists have the expertise needed to understand the problems and solve them. Our students understand the connections between physics, chemistry, biology and geology which broadens their knowledge and gives an understanding of all aspects of environmental processes. This broad knowledge also means they are well-equipped to collaborate with experts from several different other fields, which are important skills within their work. Our environmental students pocess the knowledge needed to, from a scientific standpoint, create a long-term sustainable development of society while identifying and addressing existing environmental problems. While the focus is scientific, environmental science students gain knowledge of law, political science and economics to promote a deep understanding of the causes of environmental problems while gaining insight into how environmental issues are regulated, controlled and prevented. With four different masters, the environmental scientists are prepared for work in all fields imaginable.
- Environmental and Health Protection
- Strategic Environmental Work
- Applied Climate Strategy
- and more
Our geology students learn earth’s history, present and future. They go back in time to explore life on Earth, ecosystems, ice ages, climate variations, volcanism, the formation and destruction of tectonic plates, oceans, mountain ranges, and much more. Our geology students are used to working with a wide range of advanced research equipment, such as state-of-the-art microscopes for analyzing rocks and microfossils. Geology students are experts on how bedrock and soil layers build up and how water and pollutants move in these deposits. They are also experienced fieldworkers, as field courses and excursions are a highlighted part of their education. Through numerous practical exercises, geology students chart natural resources such as groundwater, ore and minerals and do other field- and ground investigations of various kinds. Geologists interpret landscapes and are therefore expert problem-solvers in areas such as water supply, ground pollution, natural disasters, mapping, mining and climate science. The immense practical expertise makes the geology students well suited for solving many problems in construction and environmental- and nature conservation.
- Bedrock Geology
- Quaternary Geology
- and more
The students of the program Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science takes a unique blend of courses, resulting in a high profile degree with important knowledge in everything regarding all major natural systems. Physical geography students gain the full picture of how climate, soil and ecosystems interact in society and nature. The focus of the studies is directed towards environmental modelling and management, meaning frequent field work and advanced digital skills. Studies in physical geography gives a scientific basis with focus on the processes in climate, water, landscapes and vegetation influence and control. And with five different master programs, the physical geography students can deepen their understanding of geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, the environmental and societal development of ecosystems and environmental issues.
- Geographical Information Systems
- Ecosystems Science
- Geomatics
- Atmospheric Science
- Biogeochemical Cycles
- Geo-information Science
- Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management
- and more