On the 14th of March, or π day, the board of 2021/22 held its 13th meeting. After some lengthy reports, the first matter on the agenda was the budget for the next operational year. The economy working group had prepared some suggested changes which the board discussed, leading to a draft that will be presented to parliament.

Next, the board discussed the potential of SNaK, a network for student unions representing science students all over Sweden. The vice president will be going to a meeting with the network this week, and wanted to anchor with the board what LUNA wants to achieve with its participation in the network.

After a matter had been postponed to allow for more preparation, the final discussion regarded the upcoming election of the next LUS presidium and hearing of the candidates. The board discussed what LUNA seeks in a good candidate and what questions to ask at the hearing.

The next board meeting will be on the 29th of March.