This place includes descriptions of what who you can turn to within the union and what the union can do to help you with your issue. You can also find information and contact information for many different types of help and support available at the university and in Lund here.
Due to system errors, we have removed the contact form.
If you would like to contant LUNA, please email Keep in mind that it will be impossible to provide personal feedback if you are completely anonymous, but if you wish to stay anonymous, consider creating a throwaway email account to use.
What is a Student Complaint?
As a student union, The Science Student Union strives to influence the education and the study environment at the Faculty of Science for the better. A student complaint can be anything related to your time at the University, big or small. Everything from a report or an exam not being graded in time to cases of harassment. The union is here to help!
Union Internal and Student Life
Union internal can be conflicts between active members or any issues that has occurred during or is connected to the union activities or work. The management largely depend on who is involved but most conflict are managed through the presidium communicating with all involved parties and trying to find a solution. If a member in the presidium is involved and the student does not want to directly contact the person, the contact should be with the other member of the presidium, the inspector, or a board member.
Issues with other parts of student life such as Studentlund can often be solved directly by the presidium but some require contact with another organisation.
What can the union do?
The union has access to many resources both at the university and in the student life that can help you as a student in any situation you may find yourself in. The main contact for student complaints is the presidium and the chief safety officer (HSSO). These people are under professional secrecy and does not relay what they are told to anyone without the consent of the complainee.
The union presidium work full time for the students at the Faculty of Science and will give you their full attention in your matter. The presidium is easiest reached regarding student complaints via or stop by the office during opening hours.
The chief safety officer (HSSO) is responsible for organizing the student safety officers (SSO) at the various departments in their collective work in improving the physical and psychosocial working environment at the Faculty of Science. Both the HSSO and the SSOs receive training in handling student matters. The SSO at your department can be reached on their respective email addresses. The HSSO is easiest reached via email at
My Complaint
Depending on your complaint you may want to involve various amounts of people to solve your issue. When contacting the union regarding your issue in any way you are always the one deciding if you want to proceed with your matter. Your first contact with the union could be with one of our Student Safety Officers (SSO) at your department, with the Chief Safety Officer (HSSO) of the union or with the presidium.
All of our instances are under professional secrecy and will not relay what they are told to anyone without your consent. You can read more about the union’s non-disclosure agreement below
You are always encouraged to report your complaint using; anonymously (with a throwaway account) or not.

2) See information about anonymity below
If you are anonymous when contacting the union, the management might be limited since the union can’t contact you with follow-up questions. You will also not be able to receive any reports on the progress with your issue. If your report isn’t anonymous, the union will still keep your identity secret in the process if you do not wish otherwise. Some matters might require your identity but this will be managed in consultation with you.
All matters will anonymously be reported to the Studentombud for statistics on student issues. They might also be used by the union in educational purposes if this is possible to do in complete anonymity.
Read more about the management in the Guideline for Student Issue Management.
Contact Information
If you are unsure who in the presidium to contact, you can reach the presidium as a group at

Sanela Lulic

Tyra Behre
Vice President
Student Safety Officer Responsible (HSSO)

Olga Brotzen
Chief Safety Officer
Student Safety Officer (SSO)
The Student Council SSOs will be elected at the respective Student Council Grand Meetings in September

Luca Fassari
Biology SSO *

Kacper Opas
Physics/Medical Radiation Physics SSO *

Liam Göransson
Chemistry SSO *

Orsolya Bosakova
Mathematics SSO *

Madeleine Egonsson
Environmental Science SSO *

August Rey
Geology SSO *

Bjarne Neumann
* The SSO-emails are email groups containing that department’s SSOs, the student council chairperson, the HSSO and the presidium