The presidium is a union body responsible for the daily operation of the union. They work full-time at the union office as sabbatical officers whose most prominent tasks are to aid students,  handle union’s internal affairs, represent student opinion at the Science Faculty, Lund University and external organs such as Lunds Universitets Studentkår (LUS) and Studentlund.

Here you can read more about our current presidium members: 

Pontus Rabe



I am Pontus, the current President of LUNA, the Science Student Union. My work revolves around ensuring that all the wonderful students at The Faculty of Science get the best education possible. My day to day work involves monitoring education, representing the voice of LUNA’s members at different instances and helping students with issues they may have. I also do a lot of work ensuring that the union works smoothly, like preparing matters for parliament and helping out the student councils whenever they need a hand.

The thing I enjoy the most in my work for the union is giving students the opportunities to voice their own opinions. The union can only function if as many members as possible take an active role in voicing their concerns in a constructive way. That’s why I want to work a lot this year promoting the many forums available for students.

We full timers work in the Big Cave at Geocentrum 2, if you have any questions, complaints or just wanna hang around, feel free to drop by!

Anton Andersson-Strand

Vice President

About me:

Hello! My name is Anton, and I am currently serving as the Vice-President of LUNA. As part of my full-time role, I am responsible for handling internal matters such as the Union’s finances, organising networks, participating in the Board’s work, and addressing student issues. Additionally, I have the opportunity to collaborate with other unions and student organisations in Studentlund, The Academic Society (AF), LUS, and SFS.

In the upcoming year, I am excited to work closely with all our students, helping you as much as I can, but also to get help from you as well. LUNA needs active members to monitor education, strive to enhance the physical and mental well-being of our students, and to foster a warm and inclusive Union. This cannot be done just by us full-timers, even though we do as much as we can, but is something that we have to work towards together. It is my goal to ensure that all science students in Lund are aware of the extensive support and opportunities that LUNA offers, and to encourage your active participation.

I look forward to meeting many of you in person during this academic year. Come by our office, to ask any questions, talk about your troubles, just chat, or just take a cup of coffee and have a fika.