What defines a great education? Is it only the depth of the knowledge in the subject that will  end up on the student’s diploma, or can it also be measured in the possibilities to move between departments and faculties to gather a wide understanding of a range of subject? 

A working group under the Board has been tasked with investigating the science student’s university internal mobility. This is the students possibilities to take courses at the departments or faculties that their program doesn’t belong to.

The group has already interviewed the directors of studies at the departments to see what they have to say about their student’s possibilities and wishes. Step two is to see what the students have to say though a survey. How would the science students want their education to be? Can the students see the same obstacles and possibilities as the departments? Do the students know what their possibilities are?

The result from this survey will be combined with the director of studies’ answers in a report. This will be presented to both students and the faculty and hopefully give the answer to what information we are lacking and what change is needed. Go to the survey below to be a part of this work!