Are you starting as a new student at the Faculty of Science at Lunds University this autumn? Will you be a student in a bachelor’s or master’s program or take a single course? Then you have come to the right place. Lund has a fantastic student life to offer, and as a new student, the possibilities are endless! Therefore, the Science Student Union (LUNA) is here to help you sort everything out.

You are always welcome to join the union if you have any questions regarding your education, face any problems, or want to chat. You can reach us via email at You can also visit our Facebook page here. This is where we will post information about future happenings for science students.

Novisch Period – Autumn 2024

The Novisch Pamphlet contains information about Lund, the Faculty of Science, and the Science Student Union. The Novisch period begins with an introduction meeting on August 28th at 11:30 in front of Kårhuset at Sölvegatan 22. This will be followed by various events, ending on September 14th. The schedule is below.

Novisch Period Schedule

Locations and further information will be provided closer to the 28th of August. Note that some events require sign-up. The sign-up deadline for some events is BEFORE the 28th of August. You can find the sign-up and further information here:

  • August 28th, 11.30: Introduction day – Kårhuset, John Ericssons väg 3
  • August 28th, 19.00: Introparty – TBA
  • August 29th, 13.00: Soap Games – Stadsparken
  • August 30th, 14.00: “TROCA”mil – Lomma
  • August 31th, 19.00: Pub Sittning – Sign-up required! – Hallands Nation | Alternative: Powerpoint night – Ekologihuset, Blue Hall
  • September 1st, 14.00: ANO (Absurd Novisch Olympics) – Borgarparken
  • September 2nd, 17.30: Mentor Co-op – Geocentrum II (Sölvegatan 12)
  • September 3rd and 4th: Student Council Days – Each student council will provide information about location, time and place
  • September 5th, 19.00: Peas and Punch Sittning – Sign-up required! – Blekingska Nation | Alternative: Bring your own food picnic and brännboll – Monumentparken
  • September 6th, 18:00: Game Night – Fysicum
  • September 7th, 11.00: Capture the Flag – St. Hans Backar
  • September 7th, 19.00: TDC (Tour de Corridor) – Each team will have a designated location; ask your mentors!
  • September 8th, 13.00: LUNA Fair – Math Annex
  • September 9th, 19:00: Novisch Pong – Sign-up required! – Lophtet
  • September 10th, 17:30: Scavenger Hunt – Tunaparken
  • September 11th: Free, BUT last day to quest, so be ready for anything & everything!
  • September 12th, 17.30: Mentors vs. Novisches – Borgarparken
  • September 13th, 17.30: Spex – Vita Scenen, Stadsparken
  • September 14th, 15.00: Ceremony – MH:H Matematikhuset
  • September 14th, 19:00: Final Sittning – Sign-up required! – Västgöta Nation

Novisch Period Teams

BUG—The same as the student council with the same name, this is the team for all biologists and molecular biologists!

GLuFSThis is the same as the student council for physicists, theoretical physicists, medical radiation physicists, and astronomers.

LEMUR The team-up of student councils MUR and KERUB for all chemists and mathematicians

SNYS The combination of MYS and SNG, the team for all environmental scientists, geologists and physical geographers

Student Councils

All science students also belong to a student council, which represents and organizes events for students with different educations. More information about them can be found on their Facebook pages, and you can also reach them via email. If you want to contact students in your education, it is always good to turn to your student council. You will find information about which student council you belong to below:

BUGBiologists and molecular biologists; email: Facebook

GLuFSPhysicists, theoretical physicists, radiation physicists, astronomists; email: Facebook

KERUBChemists and chemists/molecular biologists; email: Facebook

MURMathematicians; email:, MUR Facebook

MYSEnvironmental scientists, environmental and health protectionists; email: Facebook

SNGPhysical geographers and geologists; email: Facebook

Student Address Notification

Students who move to study at university should be registered at their residence. The basic rule is to be registered at the address where you sleep most nights.

With an e-ID, you can use the Skatteverket online service to make your address notification quick and easy. Read more and do your address notification on the Skatterverket website.