On the 16th of February, the board convened for its 11th meeting. It had been some time since the last board meeting, due to the meeting on the 31st of January being cancelled. It was also the first board meeting in months held in person at Geocentrum, which was appreciated by the board members.

The first matter was an urgent election of a student representative to a working group within the Faculty Education Board that will investigate a certain aspect of the admissions process. Tindra Weichselbraun Alvander was elected to the position. Next, the board discussed the possibility of a company sponsoring a Facebook post advertising their career event. Due to the company being questionable from a sustainability standpoint, the board discussed whether it was appropriate to be sponsored by them in accordance with the Policy for Environmental Work. It was concluded that RK should also discuss the matter with some more background information.

After a break, the board started discussing the next Operational Plan. The discussion was focused on the general topics to include as focus matters and monitoring matters. The result was a discussion basis with some suggestions to be sent to the next RK meeting. As a final matter, the board had a discussion about what the union’s delegation to the SFS Council (SFSFUM) should focus on when preparing for the Council in May. As miscellaneous matters, the board briefly discussed the upcoming election period and also what balls to go to.

The next board meeting will be held on 2nd of March.