Three new positions are up for nomination. Candidate by e-mailing the Nomination Committee at or candidate at the parliament meeting 2017-05-10 if the meeting decides to open up for free nomination. Below you also find the vacant posts remaining from the elective parliament meetings.

Newly announced posts

Faculty Scholarship Committee (1+0)

Being a part of prioritizing the tuition fee scholarship applications. The current presidium suggests the parliament to appoint a member of the presidium.

Faculty Career Council (Arbetsmarknadsrådet) (1+0)

Being a student representative in the faculty career council. The current presidium suggests the parliament to appoint the Head of Corporate Relations according to the faculty’s wishes.

Faculty Nomination Committee (1+0) 

Being a member of the faculty nomination committee. This post will not be established until 2018-04-01.

Posts up for by-election

Union posts: Education Committee (UU) chairperson (1), Gender and Equality Committee (JoL) spokespersons (1), Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) members (1), Party Committee members (3), Sports Committee members (4), Ballmaster (2), Auditors (1), alternate auditor (3), Nomination Committee (2)

LUS posts: ordinary LUS Elective Ting (2), alternate LUS Elective Ting (2), LUS Nomination Committee (1)

AF posts: ordinary Academic Society Parliament (1), alternate Academic Society Parliament (1), ordinary Academic Society Scholarship Board (1), alternate Academic Society Scholarship Board (1)

Faculty posts: Faculty Education Board (2), ordinary Board of Equality and Equal Treatment (1), alternate Board of Equality and Equal Treatment (2), Lectureship Board (1), Library Board (1)