~ Interviews with students of LUNA ~

Time again and this time we give the spotlight to Hanna Thosteman (again). If you have been paying attention, she was also the chairperson of the Gender and Equality Committee (JoL). Now she has another role to report on, namely being the chairperson of the Mentor Committee (FU). Let us see what she has to say about that responsibility.

“Black tailcoats, medals, sunglasses and ridiculously good-looking members; from the outside, the Mentor Committee might strike you as superheroes carrying out the Novisch Periods while dancing and losing mascots simultaneously. But appearances are deceptive.

Behind all the glamour and fame hides a group of hard working, dedicated students, who on their spare time plan and execute the Novisch Periods together with awesome mentors. Their meetings are long (one time they scored four hours) and their ideas are many, but they would not be able to manage all the work without the fantastic mentors that year after year greet and welcome the new students to Lund. Together they make an excellent team, and will time and time again pull off the greatest Novisch Periods in the history of Novisch Periods. TAGGARÅÅÅ.”

You can contact the Information Committee at info@luna.lu.se and the Mentor Committee chairperson at fu-ordf@luna.lu.se. If you want to find out more about life as an active member of the union, you are always welcome to stop by the union office or simply browse our webpage. You can contact the union via this form (you can be anonymous) or by e-mail at luna@luna.lu.se.

~ Interview brought to you by the Information Committee ~