In yesterday’s board meeting, the board started by approving two applications to the union funds. First, it was decided to buy three more traditional student hats using the Office Inventory Fund that can be used by marshals during Utopia, the graduation ceremonies and more. Secondly, the board approved SNG:s application to the Special Initative Fund to buy some frisbees for disc golf. SNG plans to use them for an event, but they will then belong to the union and be available to borrow for other student councils and committees.

Next, the board decided to approve of the answer to the Science Village Consultation Document that a working group within the board has written, with input from RK. The answer will be sent in to the Science Village Office today.

The board also made the important decisions on who shall recieve the Pedagogical and Honorary Prizes. The winners will be publicly announced at the Faculty Graduation Ceremony on the 5th of June.

Finally, the board discussed what to bring up to the Swedish Minister for Education, who is visiting Lund and meeting with the student unions. It was decided that internationalisation of student influence is an important matter to bring up at the national level. The board also discussed and approved of the documents for the upcoming elective parliament meetings.

The next board meeting will be held on the 28th of April at 17:15.