On the 17th of December, the union board convened for its final meeting in 2021. The board discussed the student representative position in the newly established coordination group for the Science Village Office, and how to best make use of and elect this position. It was decided that Parliament should formally establish the position in the beginning of 2022.

Next, the board had the unfortunate obligation to once again discuss the covid pandemic, as it’s increasingly affecting the university and the student life. The board is keeping informed on the developing situation, and is prepared to make decisions about adapting the union’s operation when it becomes necessary. The union should keep having physical meetings and office hours as long as it’s safe and in accordance with the Public Health Authority’s recommendations.

The board then had discussion about Lundakarnevalen, followed by one about the opportunity for free consulting services by psychology students at the university. The board decided that there wasn’t enough good ideas nor time to use this service right now, but that it could be interesting in the future.

Lastly, the board briefly discussed its next meeting and the immediate future, as well as the upcoming SFS jubilee ball. The fulltimers handed over boxes of chocolate as Christmas gifts to our two hard working board members. Now the board is going on holiday!