In the first Parliament meeting of the semester, on Thursday the 7th of October at 17:15, there will be elections to fill any vacant positions in the union. The meeting will take place in Rodinia, Geocentrum II at Sölvegatan 12. Because there is no functioning nomination committee, there will be no ordinary nomination process with nominations and such. Instead, we will open up for free nominations at the meeting. To candidate to a position, all you need to do is show up at the meeting and present yourself to the Parliament.

The following positions are available (the numbers in parenthesis indicates number of available ordinary positions + number of alternate positions):

Union Central Positions

Union Board (3+0)
Nomination Committee Chairperson (1+0)
Nomination Commitee Member (4+0)
Auditor (0+3)
Webmaster (1+0)
Ballmaster (2+0)
Parliament Chairperson (0+1)
Parliament Secretary (0+1)

Union Committees

Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) Member (7+0)
Environmental Committee (MU) Chairperson (1+0)
Environmental Committee (MU) Member (4+0)
Party Committee Chairperson (1+0)
Party Committee Member (3+0)
Sports Committee Member (1+0)

Faculty Student Representatives

Faculty Education Board (1+1)
Faculty Readership Appointments Board (1+1)

External Positions

Academic Society (AF) Scholarship Board (1+1)
LUS Elective Ting (1+1)
LUS Nomination Committee (1+1)

If you’re interested in vacant Student Council positions, contact your Student Council’s chairperson.

The elections to the Mentor Committee (FU) will take place during the next Parliament meeting on the 28th of October.