Welcome to LUNA fair spring 2021! This is the perfect place to be if you want to learn more about the union, are interested in a certain position, want to talk to nice people or just have general questions to ask. At this page, you can find information about the different union bodies and representative positions within the union. There are also Zoom-links through which you can meet people from the different union bodies and ask questions about their positions. Press the button and you will attend the Zoom-room. The Zoom-links will be valid the 4th of March between 18:00 and 20:00.
If you find any position especially interesting, you can apply for it for the upcoming year. The elections take place in April, and you will step on your position in July. You can read more about the election process and apply through using the button bellow.

Presidium and Board
The presidium and board lead the daily operation of the union. The presidium is working full time meanwhile the board members studies at the same time. They are here to answer any questions about their position, as well as other positions within the union. You can also ask them about the LUNA fair concept.

Corporate Relations Committee
CRC strives to create interfaces between science students and their future career. The committee arranges events under ATLAS, consisting of lectures, seminars, workshops and alumni gatherings. The committee is lead by the Head of Corporate Relations of the union and consists of 7 parliament elected members and 6 student council representatives.

Education Committee
UU is in charge of coordinating the work on education matters and overall operation of the educational safeguard that LUNA provides in securing quality education at the Faculty of Science. The committee consists of the, by parliament elected, chairperson, and all student representatives in in education boards at departmental and faculty level. The department representatives are elected by the student councils.

Environmental Committee
The environmental committee is the Union’s newest committee. The committee works with sustainability questions within the union and towards the university. The committee consist of one chairperson and four members, all elected by parliament.

Gender and Equality Committee
JoL represents the students’ interest regarding equal treatment, gender equality and all matters related to discrimination or harassment, The vision is that all students associated with the Faculty of Science will be treated equally and fair, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, in all aspects of their education. The committee consists of two parliament elected spokespersons who represent JoL at faculty level, and student representatives from each of the student councils.

Health, Environment and Safety Committee
HMS works with the study environment and wellbeing of students at the faculty. The committee consists of a chairperson (HSSO) elected by parliament and representatives (SSOs) elected by the student councils. The HSSO and SSOs are representatives at the faculty/departments, but they can also be contacted with any type of issue during your time as a student!

Information Committee
Info ensures that information from the union reaches as many members as possible, in the best possible way. The biggest task of the committee is to distribute the monthly union newsletter Zenit. The committee also takes part in the information flow by working with social media. The committee consists of a chairperson and five members, all elected by parliament.

Mentor Committee
FU organizes and executes the Novisch Period to welcome new students to the Faculty of Science and LUNA! The committee consist of a chairperson, two mentor generals and seven committee members all elected by parliament.

Nomination Committee
The nomination committee reviews and conducts thorough interviews with people who are nominated for various positions within the union. The committee gives the elective parliament its recommendation along with the motivation behind it. The committee consists of a chairperson and five members, all elected by parliament.

Party Committee
The party committee (sexmästeriet) arrange social activities for the union members. Events include sittings, movie nights, quizzes and other funny things! The committee consists of a chairperson and six members, all elected by parliament.

Sports Committee
The sports committee arrange a wide range of activities such as hikes, tournaments and much more. The committee is also responsible for the union’s football team. The committee consists of a chairperson and five members, all elected by parliament.

Ball committee
UTOPIA is the union’s yearly ball. A ball is a fancy dinner with a lot of entertainment followed by a lot of dancing. The ball is planned by two ball masters, elected by parliament, who then elect a ball committee to help them.