LUNA – a visionary future

Universum was filled with active LUNA with big dreams for the union, and their ideas were many. The board hosted a Vision Workshop for all LUNA members, with the aim to gather ideas for future union work and to see what the members find important. The interest for this was great. Members of most student councils were present and everyone took their chance to express their thoughts about how the union should be and not be.

During the evening, discussions was held about what the long term goal of LUNA should be and how the union could gather more members. Passionate ideas about having more social events for active members, and  a future education where you can choose to have all courses whenever you want, and the possibility to have them all in English. Furthermore some more concrete ideas were brought up, such as creating a committee with the task to host smaller social events for all LUNA members and to work for removal of grades on group work all over the faculty.

The discussions lasted until late that night, and there were lots of thoughts brought back home. The operational year has almost come to an end, but the union work has definitely not done that. There is a lot left to work on to make sure that the students at the faculty of science have the best university time that is possible. And the union has both ideas about what to do and members who want to do it. It will be really interesting to follow LUNA during the upcoming operational year!

You can contact the Information Committee at If you want to find out more about the union, you are always welcome to stop by the union office or simply browse our webpage. You can contact the union via this form (you can be anonymous) or by e-mail at