Starting a Bachelors- or Masters program at the Faculty of Science at Lund University this Spring? Or are you taking your first course at the Faculty of science? Then you have come to the right place!

Lund has a fantastic student life to offer. As a new student the possibilities are endless!

The Mentor Committee (FU) at Lunds naturvetarkår (LUNA) is therefore organising welcome activities for all new students at the Faculty of Science to help you explore your new environment and to bring all new students studying science together.

The welcome activities take place the 23rd and 25th of January. There will be an information meeting and a fabulous quiz on the 23rd and a glamorous sitting together with old students at the faculty on the 25th. The chairperson of the Mentor Committee will gladly answer all of your questions at If you want to grab a spot at the sitting already now, you can do that through the link in the Facebook event: It is also possible to buy tickets when arriving in Lund.

In the attached pamphlet below, you can find information regarding Lund, the Faculty of Science, the science student union (LUNA) and the novisch period! 

The science student union (LUNA) and the mentor committee welcome you all to Lund!

The office will be closed until the 8th of January.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

The board had its 8th meeting this Thursday and all members gathered to discuss some important matters. The Chairperson of the Health, Environment and Safety Committee (HMS) was there to present the result of the survey ”Are you okay?”. This was followed by some input from the board members on how the committee can present the survey. The Board held a first discussion on what to do during the spring’s Hällsningsgillet for new students at the university and the board’s event working group will ensure that LUNA has a fun and informative presents. The board also held two discussions on matters lying further into the future, a possible common sign-up system for all of Studentlund and a possible change in local situation. 

The board is also doing the final touches on an event for the Music Aid (sv: Musikhjälpen). Next Thursday you can find board members outside of the astronomy building all afternoon selling science gingerbread cookies with the full income going to the charity!

Finally it was time, time to enter AF-borgen for a glorious ball. The hype before was real; the tickets sold  out in just a few minutes and the ball committee kept up their admirable work for months to prepare everything. And suddenly, the big day had come, the day at UTOPIA.

Snow fell from the sky when the attendees entered the building, and there were no sight of a scanish spring. However, the welcoming atmosphere inside AF-borgen kept all thoughts about the cold weather away and replaced them with joy and laughter. Well dressed people in tailcoats and wonderful gowns talked to each other and took photos in different constellations in front of a glittery photo wall, before it was time to get seated.

Inside the dining hall, five tables were beautiful decorated with flowers and candles. The attendees were soon seated and the dinner started of with a piece of pie for starter, accompanied with some sort of table gift for most guest. That means a little present you give to the person sitting next to you, so there is something to play with if the dinner gets boring. So meanwhile the hunger grew when waiting for the main course, people where playing games, painted portraits of each other with colourful pens in songbooks, and ate the delicious chocolate that were found inside their presents. And of course, they were singing songs. Because, even though it is not allowed to burst out in spontaneous singing during a ball, you are more than welcome to sing along when the ballmasters says it is time to do so.

When the dinner was finished, after delicious food and lovely speeches, it was time again. Time for the traditional walz to live music. Time to dance all night long to the tunes of fission ships. Time to have a wonderful evening together with fantastic LUNA friends at UTOPIA.

Last year, the science student union hosted the first edition of our annual formal ball UTOPIA. The work to make UTOPIA 2018 an equally memorable night for our members is taking off very soon.

Are you interested in taking part in the creation of this extraordinary night and be written into the annals of LUNA’s history? Report your interest in the UTOPIA 2018 ball committee below.

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Due to earlier events one (1) post within the presidium is vacant for the upcoming year.

On August 22nd, at 17.15 there will be held an extraordinary parliament meeting concerning the election of said presidium post. Please note that this entitles both the President and the Vice President post.

If you are interested, or you know a friend who would be interested, you can send your candidatures and nominations to no later than August 16th.

We look forward to your candidature! Have a nice remaining summer!

Hello and welcome to the landing page of the Lund Science Student Union (sv: Lunds Naturvetarkår), LUNA. If you were recently accepted to start studies at the Faculty of Science at Lund University you have come to the right place.

Starting your studies at Lund University for the first time can be quite overwhelming. But do not worry, we are here to ease the process for you. On the 23rd of August we are hosting an Introduction Day for all new students at the Faculty of Science at 11.15 at the TLTH Kårhuset (John Ericssons Väg 3). Here you will get the opportunity to meet fellow students also starting their studies in the natural sciences as well as take part of valuable information for your upcoming studies. See you there!

Until then, there are a few things you can do to prepare:

Register your StudentLund membership

To take part in the vast majority of the student life in Lund you need a StudentLund membership. StudentLund is a collaboration between the Student unions, the Nations and the Academic Society to give you the best student experience possible with a wide range of interesting and fun activities to take part of.

To register your membership press here.

The Living Situation

While studying in Lund it is highly recommended to also be living here. We recommend you to start looking for a place to stay as soon as possible as the supply is having difficulties keeping up with the demand. Here are some quick links to some housing options in Lund:

AF Bostäder, BoPoolen, Nations

LU Accommodation (Only international students)

You can read more about the upcoming period in Novischhäftet by going to ‘Novisch – New in Lund‘. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything do not hesitate contacting the union at

Have a great summer and see you the 23rd of August!

LUNA’s Environment, Health and Safety Committee would like to investigate the psychosocial health of the science students. The survey takes only 5 minutes and it is really appreciated if as many science students as possible fill it out. All answers are anonymous. By filling out the survey you help us to help you to get a better student working environment. Just use the link below to get to the survey. The survey is available until May 1st.

Framtidens journalistik behöver dig som är naturvetare!
Tycker du att det är viktigt att kritiskt granska det du läser, hör och ser? Vill du förmedla din expertkunskap till andra på ett intresseväckande och trovärdigt vis? Vill du dessutom ha ett spännande yrke med hög puls som hela tiden förändras i takt med den digitala utvecklingen? Då tycker vi att du ska söka till Journalistutbildningen vid Lunds universitet. Vi erbjuder en påbyggnadsutbildning för dig med högskolestudier om sammanlagt 90 högskolepoäng i avslutade kurser, varav minst fortsättningsnivå i ett ämne.Dagens och framtidens journalister måste ha goda förkunskaper i en rad olika frågor. Därför är det också viktigt att journalister kommer från olika akademiska, yrkesmässiga och sociala bakgrunder. Journalistutbildningen är yrkesförberedande vilket innebär att du får kunskaper och färdigheter för att arbeta som journalist inom olika medier och genrer. Du genomgår både praktiska och teoretiska moment. Du kommer bland annat att lära dig att arbeta i olika redaktionella roller samt producera och analysera nyhetsjournalistik för nätet, tryck och tv. Du kommer också att ta fram fördjupande och granskande journalistiskt material och har goda möjligheter till utvecklande och yrkesförberedande praktik vid bland annat mediehus, produktionsbolag och public service i Sverige och utomlands. Vid Journalistutbildningen ser vi också det som självklart att diskutera och analysera journalistikens villkor på olika platser i världen idag och med blick in i framtiden.

Läs mer om varför just du borde bli journalist på

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