🚫No Office Hours today! 10-5-24🚫

Today’s Office Hours is unfortunately closed. This is because the full-timers have taken a vacation day to get a long weekend.We hope that this hasn’t caused any inconveniences. If you need to contact us, you can do so by emailing luna@luna.lu.se. We otherwise wish you a good weekend! //The full-timers of LUNA ❤️

Winter Break Survey 2024

The academic year does not currently have a gap during the winter holiday period (~23rd of December to the second week of January). This means that you are expected to use the time to prepare for exams, write reports, or for other course studies. Teachers are also allowed to schedule deadlines during the holiday period. […]

Holiday period Office Hours

Office Hours will be closed during the Holiday season, from the 20th of December and will open up again the 8th of January. If you have any questions or concerns during this period, feel free to contact us via email at luna@luna.lu.se or naringsliv@luna.lu.se, but we can unfortunately not promise quick reponses. The LUNA fulltimers […]

Elections from RK 4 and 5

Here are following positions with elected people for the operational year of 2023/24 from RK 4a, 4b and 5: Union presidium (2+0) – Pontus Rabe & Anton Andersson-Strand Head of Corporate Relations (1+0) – Nora Häglund Union board (5+0) – Emilia Hult, Enver Lee, Marwan Mohamed, Minoo Gandomi & Tyr Häggström Inspector (1+0) – Sophie Manner Operational auditor (2+2) – Einar […]

RK 6 and 7

The 6th Parliament (RK) meeting was an informational one with no decision points. The presidium presented how they had conretisised the operational plan of 22/23 together with the board. The 7th Parliament meeting was a longer one wih by-elections where quite a few people were elected for different positions. The following positions were filled: Position […]

Board meeting 2 and 3

In the second board meeting of this operational year, the student chaplain Pelle joined and introduced himself and his roll as LUNAs union friend. There was a discussion regarding questions that all the unions in Lund will be able to ask the vice chancellor during a lunch in october, and what questions the union think […]

Office hours closed during summer

The office will not be open as usual during the summer, we will be back middle of August. Of course, if you need anything, you can always email luna@luna.lu.se. Have a nice break and we will see you after the summer!

Board Meeting 19

The union board met for its 19th and final meeting on the 10th of June. The board first decided to approve of some vacation days for the fulltimers. Next, the board had a discussion about a new student archiving system that has been suggested by the student ombudsman and discussed within LUS. The board concluded […]

The Recipients of LUNA’s Pedagogical and Honorary Prizes 2022.

At the Faculty of Science’s graduation ceremony last weekend, the president of LUNA handed out the union’s pedagogical and honorary prizes.  The pedagogical prize is awarded to an outstanding teacher. Such a teacher should understand the individuality of different students, be an asset and resource for support, create enthusiasm for the subject being taught and […]