
Elective parliament meeting 1

Meeting will be held at 17.15 April 18th in the Astronomy building (fika is served from 17.00). To be elected are presidium, board and committee chairpersons.

If you wish to be co-opted (sv: adjungerad) and attend the meeting, simply e-mail ordf@luna.lu.se.


Elective parliament meeting 2

Meeting will be held at 17.15 April 20th in the Astronomy building (fika is served from 17.00). To be elected are remaining posts; both for LUNA, the Faculty of Science, Lunds Universitets Studentkårer (LUS), and the Academic Society (AF).

If you wish to be co-opted (sv: adjungerad) and attend the meeting, simply e-mail ordf@luna.lu.se.

The Nomination Committee of LUNA is proud to announce their suggestions for the operational year of 2017/18. Below you find the minutes with the nominations to parliament as suggested by the Nomination Committee after thorough interviewing and discussion.

If you wish to counter-candidate any nomination (including vacancies) you can do so in written form up until 12.00 Friday April 14th by e-mailing ordf@luna.lu.se, and at the meetings if the parliament decides upon opening up for free nomination. You can find a complete list of posts up for election here.

Interested in the election process? Refer to §6.8 Valkollegium and §13 Förhandlingsordning in the union statutes for details on how it all works. If you have further questions you can ask the chairperson of the Nomination Committee at valb-ordf@luna.lu.se or the union presidium at luna@luna.lu.se.

All documents for the elective parliament meeting will be sent out to members of parliament and permanently co-opted union members on Tuesday April 11th. The documents will also be available on LUNA Archive and linked from the LUNA Facebook page. You can also follow the election by attending this Facebook event.