Take the chance to present your work for a curious audience
The Science Student Union is proud to announce the LUNA Science Slam for thesis work at the Faculty of Science. Are you currently working on a Bachelor’s- or Masters’s project? Take this chance to inform your fellow students about why what you are doing is fascinating and important.
The Science Student Union is arranging an evening where students will have the opportunity to present what they are working on in their thesis-work. This is a great opportunity to practice your skills as a presenter. Each speaker will be allotted 10 minutes to dispose with how they prefer. Presentations such as slides and/or whiteboard usage is allowed. Note that all presentations will be in English.
The evening will take place on the 7th of May. Be sure to mark the date in your calendar even if you are only interested in listening and not participating.
The evening will take place in the Lundmark lecture hall in the Astronomy building.
Sign up using the form below, and we will contact you once we have selected the lucky speakers of the evening. Those that did not make the cut this time will be asked if they want to be in the list of backup speakers in the event that one of the ordinary is unable to attend.
Based on which subject your thesis is related to, you will be part of a pool of speakers corresponding to the student councils. The union board will not be involved in selection of speakers and the final selection will be made with a random number generator.
If you have any questions, contact us through luna@luna.lu.se.
What are you waiting for? Sign up now!