A visit to a Health, Environment, and Safety Committee meeting

“It is quarter past, so I think we should start!” The health, environment and safety committee has gathered in the sofas inside the union office and the chairperson Leo is eager to start the meeting. After he has taken the role as secretary upon himself, the committee members are allowed to report everything that has happened at their institutions since the last meeting. But there is not that much to say. The committee is pretty small, just one member from each student council and the chairperson, and many of the institutions have not had any HMS-meetings.  So, after reports regarding new microwaves at the centrum of geology and new chairs in the Ecology building, the members do not have much left to say, and Leo takes the word back. He quickly mentions that the list of student rights will be updated, and that there have been discussions about the possibility to have English speaking members in the health, environment and safety committees at the different faculties at the university. After that, he begins to present the results from the” Are you okay?” survey that the committee conducted this spring.

At this point, everyone present seems to become way more interested in the meeting. It is totally quiet when Leo shows the level of stress students feel at the different institutions. The aim with the “Are you okay?” survey was to see how students at the faculty of natural sciences felt, and there were questions about stress, if you feel like you will manage your courses and if you like your study environment, etc. The investigation was successful. 463 answers were received, which corresponds to one third of the students at the faculty. And from those answers, Leo has put together the colourful graphs that he shows the meeting attendants.

The discussions about the graphs are both engaged and touching. Some of the attendees wanted to know why students at their institution had a stress level at the verge of collapse. Other tried to explain different phenomena from their own experiences. What is clearly shown is though that the situation is not the same at the different institutions. Some are good at answering emails, others have students who generally sleep bad. But the fact that a significant amount of the students who answered the survey have sought help for mental illness is a sign that something needs to be done. The work done in the environment, health and safety committee are important, because no student should have a stress level on the verge of collapse.

You can contact the Information Committeeat info@luna.lu.se. If you want to find out more about the union, you are always welcome to stop by the union officeor simply browse our webpage. You can contact the union via this form (you can be anonymous) or by e-mail at luna@luna.lu.se.

We are happy to finally be able to announce the theme of the second discussion evening presented by the Luna Gender and Equality Committee:

What can we do?

The second discussion evening will be dedicated to a discussion regarding what can be done to combat issues such as sexual harassment in the university world which has been actualized under the #metoo and #akademetoo calls.

Our guest speaker, Robin Bernståhle of the F-Section at TLTH is the current equality chairperson. In march 2017, an anonymous engineering student wrote about their experiences of being ostracized (sv: utfryst) and the spreading of rumors at their engineering section. After som time, several other students had been writing about similar experiences at their section. The equality committee (sv: likabehandlingsutskottet) took it upon themselves to investigate the situation and is expected to release their results in December.

Robin will speak to us about their methods for culture analysis and what they learned during their work.

The evening takes place in the Lundmark lecture hall in the astronomy building, 18.00 on the 6th of December. Join the official event for updates.

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