Anonymous Exams
On May 23rd the Faculty of Science approved the by LUNA proposed faculty-wide decision on anonymous exams for all written exams. The union has worked on this for a long time and it has finally happened. The implementation starts from autumn 2018. Read more about the work of the Education Committee (UU) here.
Nadir XIX
Are you okay?
Do not miss the opportunity to contribute to the work of the union. We need to know what is wrong in order to fix it! Answer the survey today! Deadline May 7th
A sporty Skvalborg celebration! It is Skvalborg 2018, the sun is shining and Borgarparken is filled with LUNA members. They sit down together, they talk to each other and they enjoy the beautiful weather. But even though there is a nice, friendly atmosphere, it is possible to feel the upcoming competition. It is time for […]
Union Election Results
After two long sessions on Tuesday the 17th and Friday the 19th, the union parliament has elected the everything from the next union presidium and board to all of the many student representatives in both the faculty and in external roles. You can find all of the results on the election page. Among the many […]
Nadir XVII
What should I choose? The spring has come, and with that is it also time to decide which courses you should take during the upcoming fall. The 16th of April is the last day to apply, and since there are lots of courses to choose from, it might not be the easiest thing to do. […]
Nominations 2018
The Nomination Committee has announced their nominations for positions within the union for the working year of 2018/19. Nominations and detailed information on everything regarding the election is found here. The deadline for counter candidatures is Thursday, April 12th at 17.00. If the parliament opens up for free nominations, one can candidate directly at the […]
Regarding the ATLAS Career Fair
We are very sad to have to announce that the ATLAS Career Fair 2018 will be canceled despite the hard work that has been done by the Corporate Relations Committee (CRC) during the year. ATLAS is a long term project for the union and will return for 2019. During the spring semester, the Corporate Relations Committee […]
Nadir XVI: A wonderful night at UTOPIA
Finally it was time, time to enter AF-borgen for a glorious ball. The hype before was real; the tickets sold out in just a few minutes and the ball committee kept up their admirable work for months to prepare everything. And suddenly, the big day had come, the day at UTOPIA. Snow fell from the […]
One Week Left
The end of the nomination period for the LUNA election 2018 is closing in. Remember to candidate yourself or nominate a friend before March 29th. The Nomination Committee will present their nominations for all positions April 9th. You can follow the election more closely on Facebook and read all about the process here.