Summer closed

We will close office hours for the summer. If you need to contact the full-timers please email the office hours will open again in August.

LUNAs Honorary and Pedagogical Prize of 2023

It is our honour to present the winners of this year’s Honorary Prize and Pedagogical Prize. Honorary Prize: Gert Pettersson Pedagogical prize: Luis Sarmiento Pico  The motivations were as follows: Honorary prize, Gert has been an exceptional IT responsible at the Department of Geology, and his excellence in his role is unmatched. From helping students […]

Nominations for parliament meeting 4a & 4b

The nomination committee hereby announces their nominations for parliament meeting 4a & 4b. Please note that all nominees are listed in alphabetical order. In the end of the list, you find recieved counter candidatures, as well as a list with all positions which the nomination committee suggests to leave vacant. It is possible to counter […]

Announcement of the union elections 2023

The nomination committee hereby announces the union elections 2023! During the elections, LUNA positions for the operational year of 2023/24 is up for grab. This includes positions in LUNA’s presidium, board and committees, administrative LUNA positions and positions as student representatives at the faculty and in the student life. More information about the positions can […]

Nomination open to Honorary and Pedagogical prize

Each year the students at the faculty of science can nominate teachers to the Honorary and Pedagogical Prize that The Science Student Union awards each year. The honorary prize can be awarded any employee or a group of employees at the university. The pedagogical prize can be awarded any teacher that teaches courses at the […]

Nominations for parliament meeting 1

The nomination committee hereby announces its nominations for parliament meeting 1: Operational auditor – alternate Jesper Nielsen Tandem General Sofia Bjarheim Daniel Olla If you wish to counter candidate to any vacant position in the union, you can send an email to or visit the parliament meeting on the 26th of January at 17:15 in Universum […]

Office hours – Holiday Away!

The LUNA office hours will be closed from the 16/12/22 to the 06/01/23. Mening we are back on the 09/01/23 with office hours from 11.00 to 14.00 Happy holidays! Try to get some recovery time in!

Announcement of three positions as Tandem generals 2023

The nomination committee hereby announces three positions as Tandem generals 2023. After too many years of break, the Tandem relay will finally take place again in the spring 2023! Students from all over Lund will travel by bus to Gothenburg, and race back again on Tandem bikes (in teams of course)! LUNA is now looking […]