Board meeting 2 and 3

In the second board meeting of this operational year, the student chaplain Pelle joined and introduced himself and his roll as LUNAs union friend. There was a discussion regarding questions that all the unions in Lund will be able to ask the vice chancellor during a lunch in october, and what questions the union think […]

Announcement of positions in the mentor committee

LUNA announces one position as mentor committee chairperson and nine positions as members of the mentor committee! Do you want to be part of arranging the novisch period 2023? Do you want to be part of assembling an amazing team of mentors? Do you want to bike around Lund in a fancy tailcoat? In that […]

Board meeting 1

The union board met for its first meeting of the operational year on the 16th of August. The majority of the meeting was spent on planning the upcoming year, by concretizising the operational plan and creating work groups. 17 work groups were created within the board, where matters such as updating the regulatory documents, planning […]

Welcome, new students!

And congratulations on being accepted to Lund University! We are LUNA (Lunds Naturvetarkår), the science students union here at Lund University. The Science student union represents about 2500 students at the Faculty of science at Lund University. The union’s main mission is educational affairs at the Faculty of science and its departments and also to conduct […]

Office hours closed during summer

The office will not be open as usual during the summer, we will be back middle of August. Of course, if you need anything, you can always email Have a nice break and we will see you after the summer!

Board Meeting 19

The union board met for its 19th and final meeting on the 10th of June. The board first decided to approve of some vacation days for the fulltimers. Next, the board had a discussion about a new student archiving system that has been suggested by the student ombudsman and discussed within LUS. The board concluded […]

The Recipients of LUNA’s Pedagogical and Honorary Prizes 2022.

At the Faculty of Science’s graduation ceremony last weekend, the president of LUNA handed out the union’s pedagogical and honorary prizes.  The pedagogical prize is awarded to an outstanding teacher. Such a teacher should understand the individuality of different students, be an asset and resource for support, create enthusiasm for the subject being taught and […]

Parliament Meeting 5

The union parliament (RK) convened for its final meeting before the summer on the 31st of May. First, RK was informed on the progress regarding the current operational plan and budget. Next, some by-elections for the upcoming operational year were held. The following people were elected: Selma Lindgren as Head of Corporate Relations Honia Rasul […]

Board Meeting 18

The board held its 18th meeting on the 25th of May. The board discussed the issue with student representation in the investigation to reorganize CEC, INES and the Geology Department. Then, the board discussed the membership fee to the union, and decided to suggest to the parliament to raise the fee to 75 kr per […]